Monday, July 8, 2013

May 13 2013 Letter

Hello Family!!! Guess what?? I am 21 and can go on a mission now!!! Yay!!!! Just kidding! I already am! Bet you didn´t know huh?

 This week was very hard in Reñaca. Our numbers were not what they should be. That is not for lake of trying. We want to share the gospel but there were a lot of people that were just not resceptive. We saw a lot of families break, but more than that, they didn´t want to be healed. This is very sad for me. I dont like that the numbers are low because I know that each number represents a soul, a soul that needs to come unto Christ. Because of all of this, I have done a lot of reflecting this week. I looked at my purpose written in preach my gospel. My purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ. That is all I can do, invite. If they do not accept the invitation, I cannot change that, but I can have patience and invite again. This is the hardest thing I have ever done emotionally. I hurts to see people reject something that they do not even know they are missing or to be so strong willed as to not even take the time to notice that they are missing it. I have learned this week that I really do love this people because I feel pain when they hurt and I am sad when they are sad. I reread this week Ether 12:27 that promises that our weaknesses will be turned into strengths if we can come unto Christ humbly and admit our weaknesses. There is a line in the song Savior Redeemer of My Soul that says "Overrule mine acts to serve thine ends...Chasten my soul, till I shall be, in perfect harmony with me and fit me for the life above." This has been my prayer this week. That I might be chastened until I am in perfect harmony with the Savior. I am a representative of the Savior of the world and as such I need to act as he would act. This has been my prayer this week, to act as the Lord would act and truely be a representative of Christ. I am here to serve his Children, so that is what I am going to do, with all the excitement of my soul!

I just copied and pasted my letter to my mission pres this week so that yall would have something to read as well as something to look at. Also, I am teaching and English class for anyone that wants to come!! We have gotten a few new investigators out of it and I love teaching it. The missionaries that dont know english are attending as well and so are the members. It is super fun. 

I love you alll!


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